Friday, November 27, 2020

Fun with the Kodak Panoramic 35 (November 1993)


Beaty Field looking north/northwest from East Third Avenue

Wednesday, November 24 

Sunday morning JoAnna and I accompanied Mom and Dad to church.  [The one seen in the photo below.]  It was an occurrence I was hoping to avoid, but once JoAnna announced her intention to attend, what else could I do? 

The service included a performance by the bell choir, two songs by the youth choir, and communion and lasted 90 minutes. It’s obvious that I will never be lured back into the Lutheran fold. I compare my Sunday morning experience to watching paint dry. 

So far the visit has involved a fair amount of walking (two instances of which have just been described in detail), the purchase of a suit so I can make a presentable appearance at Scott Dacy’s wedding this weekend, reading (magazines, newspapers, and a new book titled American Hero by Larry Beinhart), three excursions to Beaty Field with Andy (the first time – Monday afternoon – we shot baskets on the court next to the tennis courts [middle distance at right-center in photo below] and played an unusual two-man version of soccer under the deteriorating Jefferson Pavilion far distance at right-center in above photo]; the second time – yesterday morning – Eddie accompanied us and we all got our shoes wet due to the ocean of dew on the grass; the third time – yesterday afternoon – Andy and I returned there while Eddie napped), eating (including lunch at Napoli’s in the mall and breakfast at John Williams’ Pastry Shop this morning), and lots of hanging out, enjoying the relaxing atmosphere at grandma and grandpa’s.

Beaty Playground looking sorth/southeast from East Fifth Avenue

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