Thursday, February 14, 2013

Wisconsin Public Library Service Data (2011): Ratio of Total Program Attendance to Library Visits

For example, in the case of the Hammond Community Library, for every program attendee, there were 2.16 visits to the library.

What does this mean?

Well, from the names on the list, visits to small public libraries in Wisconsin are more likely to be for the purpose of attending a library-sponsored program.  (Although Hammond's offsite showing of a movie, if this is done on a regular basis, will certainly skew the data.)

It could also mean that some of these libraries offer their communities a wide variety of programs.

Blair-Preston Public Library

The Determined Women of Blair, Wisconsin.    The Blair City Hall was built in 1914. In 1916 a group of women petitioned the village board for permission to use a part of the building as a library and public rest area.

Permission granted.

And nearly 100 years later, in 2011, the library hosted 347 programs attended by 3,339 people --  in a service area with a population of 3,318.  Very impressive.

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