Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wisconsin 2024 elections: Trump-backed Tony Wied wins 8th CD GOP primary with a less than resounding 41.3% of the vote


Election resultNew York Times

No, it illustrates what happens in a 3-way race.  Trump bombed in his other Wisconsin endorsement.
Tuesday’s result underscored Trump’s influence in the northeastern Wisconsin House race. Wied, who had never before run for public office, beat out two men who have both represented parts of the district at the state level for more than a decade. It also means the Republican nominee in the district will stand in stark contrast to Gallagher, a foreign policy hawk who represented the district from 2017 until his retirement in April.

Other 2024 primary posts:
Trump-endorsed Wisconsin MAGA queen Janel Brandtjen gets crushed in AD24 GOP primary.  (8/14/2024)

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