Monday, August 5, 2024

Project 2025: Reproductive rights go underground if Trump is elected president

Trump's distancing himself from the Project 2025 GOP playbook is simply performative.  He will say anything, do anything, to get himself back into the White House. 

Headline and video screenshotABC News, 8/3/2024 

Excerpts from Project 2025

Related posts:
July 2024
June  2024
Q & A:  What is Project 2025?  A conservative hetero white male wet dream.  (6/30)    

April 2024

March 2024

February 2024
Want Donald Trump to serve a second term as president?  Want to have access to reproductive health care?  You can't have both!  (2/20)

January 2024
abortion access.  (1/30)


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