Friday, June 21, 2024

Madison Wisconsin News: Make way for 400-ton building

 438 West Dayton Street before move of building

Photos by Retiring Guy

 438 West Dayton Street after move of building

What used to occupy the lot at 438 West Dayton Street 

Madison's longest block-and-a-half commute continues today, as crews of movers struggle to relocate a 400-ton, four-story apartment building from West Dayton Street to West Mifflin Street. 
Movers had planned to complete the trip on Thursday, but just getting the building out of its original location at 438 W. Dayton St. and turning the tight corner onto the street took much longer than expected, requiring city forestry crews to cut down a mature tree that was blocking the building's path, causing an hours-long delay.
Side views

The Wall

Power outage elsewhere
 in Madison?  Fuggedaboudit!!

Long view

New location:  531 W. Mifflin St,

The route  

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