Friday, February 23, 2024

Dumbass politician of the day: Tennessee Republican Scott Cepicky

Headline:  AlterNet, 2/23/2024
State Rep. Scott Cepicky claims vaccines can already be added to foods like lettuce and tomatoes, and to tobacco products, so he has filed legislation to require grocery store items containing vaccines to be labeled. 
“University of California Riverside has already perfected the ability to put human vaccines into our lettuce right now,” Rep. Cepicky told his fellow lawmakers Wednesday while discussing his legislation. “Also, tomatoes, has the ability to do that also per UC Berkeley. And then big tobacco, RJ Reynolds and stuff has perfected the ability to put a human vaccine in tobacco products.” 
NCRM could find no evidence supporting his claims, although researchers starting in 2021 were studying if it is possible to do so.

According to Merriam-Webster, the first known use of 'dumbass', as in a foolish or stupid person, occurred in 1935.

  1. B-list
  2. dilly
  3. ding-a-ling
  4. functional  illiterate
  5. off-putting
  6. tin ear
  7. yips

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