Thursday, September 29, 2022

The egregious Tucker Carlson on Fox Noise: Makin' stuff up as he goes along


Top headlineIndependent
Botom headlineNewsweek
News that the Ukrainian military had forced Russian combatants to retreat from major strategic holds near Kharkiv on Saturday led to widespread celebration online. Some, including activists and politicians, also took the opportunity to lambast Fox News host Tucker Carlson over his past support of the Russian invasion effort. 
A counteroffensive by Ukraine was reportedly able to push Russian fighters out of the Kharkiv region "with shocking speed," according to The Washington Post. Many have viewed the major victory as a sign that the tide of the invasion could turn in Ukraine's favor after months of fighting. 
Illia Ponomarenko, a reporter with The Kyiv Independent, took to Twitter on Saturday to share a clip from one of Carlson's broadcasts last month, in which he claimed that "by any actual reality-based measure, Vladimir Putin is not losing the war in Ukraine. He is winning the war in Ukraine."

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