Thursday, December 17, 2020

GET ME REWRITE: Meet the Manitowoc Chubbies, still obsessed with the "War on Christmas" and dismissive of the virus


Chubby Shae (left) represents the 2nd District in the State Assembly.  Chubby Paul represents the 25th District.  Both, of course, are Republicans.

Wisconsin State Journal, 12/17/2020

Christmas tree kerfuffle tests
committment to the Wisconsin Idea at

Meanwhile, what say you, Chubby Shae and Chubby Paul, about this?

New York Times

Along with the rest of the GOP Assembly caucus, the Manitowoc Chubbies have been content to sit on their hands during the entire pandemic.   "The War on Christmas" seems to be the only thing that gets these losers fired up.

Original 12/7/2020 post, "YOUR WISCONSIN TAX DOLLARS AT WORK:  GOP Assembly frat boys prank prioritizes a Christmas tree over public health emergency", starts here.

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