Thursday, February 8, 2018

In York County Pennsylvania, opioid crisis trumps library funding

Library system cuts hours, reduces purchases so county can spend more on opioid crisis.  (York  Daily Record, 2/7/2018)
York County's free public library system is downsizing -- trimming hours, employee schedules and the purchase of new releases -- because of a $300,000 budget cut. That cut came in December when county commissioners diverted more resources to combat the heroin and opioid crisis that has gripped the city, county, state and nation.

Two examples of cuts in hours:

Martin Library (10 fewer hours per week)

Collinsville Community Library  (10/14 fewer hours per week)

Source:  Wikipedia

2016 estimated population of City of York:  43,859.  (Down from a peak of 59,953 in 1950 and bottoming out at 40,862 in 2000.)

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