Monday, March 18, 2013

Restaurant Smartbrief Headline Teaser: Why chicken wings may be the key to attracting millennial diners

So....what the library's "secret sauce"?

Why chicken wings _________ may be the key to attracting millennial diners library users.

Sorry, taken.

Are Millennials to blame for potential chicken wing shortage?  (Pizza Marketplace, 3/15/2013)

Millennials are defined as
  • Individuals between the ages of 16 and 34
  • 80 million in the U.S.. 
Attributes of this generational cohort noted in the article:
  • They want to participate, or co-create, in a brand’s marketing. 
  • They crave adventure. 
  • They look to their peers for affirmation. 
  • They turn to social media — Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and the like — to express themselves. 

My wife and I recently had a conversation about the dangers of describing all members of a generational cohort in sweeping terms, particularly those related to advertising, and, in the process, painting over each member with overly broad, sometimes sloppy strokes.  Many of the Baby Boomer attributes that have been bandied about since before Joyce Maynard's influential New York Times 1972 essay ("An Eighteen-Year-Old Looks Back on Life"), focus on a college-educated, upwardly-mobile, primarily white subset.

Pizza Marketing is definitely high on "shareworthiness", co-creating experiences.
If they like the experience, they’ll talk about it with their friends..... 

My guess is this behavior has been going on, in one way or another, for millennia.     

— and more often than not, it ends up on social media. 

Some of my Facebook friends probably think my "shareworthy" bar has been set too low.

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