Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Wisconsin voters send in the clowns (Ron Johnson edition)

HeadlineCapital Times, 10/23/2023
Maybe it's something in the water — PFAS maybe? — but Wisconsin voters have been on an awful streak sending public embarrassments to represent us in Washington in recent years. 
Ron Johnson is enough all by himself. The consensus pick for worst U.S. senator, our state has seen fit to have him represent us in the U.S. Senate not once, not twice, but three times. He's become such a royal pain in the neck that his Republican colleague Mitt Romney asked him if there is any conspiracy theory he doesn't believe in. 
He doesn't believe there's a climate crisis, he says Social Security is a "Ponzi scheme," and he abhors the COVID doctor Anthony Fauci.

Other RoJo posts:
Wisconsin Embarrassment:  "Our Dumb Senator" wears a tin-foil hat.  (5/1)
Long-running Wisconsin show of political incompetence, "Our Dumb Senator", renewed for another 6 years  (3/30)
"Our Dumb Senator", starring Ron Johnson, is Wisconsin's long-running farce.   Now its in 13th year!  (2/15)
Snookered again: Wisconsin elects insurrectionist Ron Johnson to a third term in the U.S. Senate.  (1/4)

Unfortunately, too many Wisconsin voters thought Ron Johnson deserved a third term in the U.S. Senate.  (12/25)
Meet the GOP troglodytes of the United States Senate.  (12/16)
Dear Wisconsin voters, I'd like to report a certifiable election problem. This fraud is posing as our U.S. Senator and thinks he deserves a third term. Best, Retiring Guy.  (10/20)

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