Monday, April 24, 2023

Wisconsin Breaking News: "Our Dumb Senator" Ron Johnson doesn't realize that the people have already decided.


HeadlineWisconsin State Journal, 4/24/2023
Johnson said that in his travels around the state going to GOP district meetups, he has emphasized that Republicans "need to lead on this issue." 
But after reiterating his support for a statewide question asking voters what abortion limits they support, Johnson declined to say how he would vote on the hypothetical referendum. 
"It's all a secret ballot," he said. 
"I'm not trying to dodge a question here," he continued. "I'm trying to provide leadership in terms of how we can finally put this very divisive, profound moral issue behind us as a society. Let we the people decide. I don't want to impose my view on anybody else."  [emphasis added]

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