Saturday, June 22, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: Newly elected commissioner fights back against Ottawa County Commission clown show leadership

Headlinemlive, 6/21/2024
Chris Kleinjans, elected in a May recall election, claims his First Amendment rights were violate when he was fired June 4 from his job as a Michigan State University Extension community nutrition instructor. His attorney, Sarah Howard, alleges that his supervisors “have bowed, and are bowing, to political pressure from the (Ottawa Impact) majority on the Ottawa County Commission.” 
Ottawa Impact is a conservative political platform that won a majority on the Ottawa County Board after the November 2022 election. Eight members affiliated with the platform won seats on the 11-seat board. 
The lawsuit names three MSU Extension supervisors as defendants.

Related posts:
June 2024

May 2024

April 2024

March 2024.  

February 2024 
Chris Vander Sys challenges Ottawa Impact whackjob Gretchen Cosby for seat on Michigan's Ottawa County Board.  (2/21)

January 2024


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