Thursday, May 9, 2024

Wisconsin 2024 election: Republican Angie Sapik announces she is not running for re-election in the no longer GOP gerrymandered 73rd Assembly District

Angie Sapik (R-Lake Nebagamon) was first elected to the outrageously GOP gerrymandered 73rd Assembly District in November 2022.  She is not running for re-election as the newly drawn 73rd is 61.3 Democratic, according to WisPolitics.
Three Democrats have announced their candidacies for the seat: Laura Gapske (D-Superior), who lost to Sapik by less than 2 percentage points in 2022; John Adams (D-Washburn); and Angela Stoud (D-Ashland).

No Republicans have announced.

MapsThe Badger Project, 5/7/2024
Headline: Dryden Wire, 3/22/2024
From The Badger Project:
A Tyrannosaurus Rex took a big blue bite out of the 73rd Assembly District in Douglas County and spit it into the neighboring district. 
That’s how some commenters described the change to the 73rd after Republicans redrew it before the 2022 election. The GOP swapped those bluer areas with rural, Republican-leaning parts of Burnett County and Washburn County to make the district more red. 
The purpose of the GOP’s reshaping of the 73rd was to “dilute the Democratic stronghold of Douglas County and part of Washburn County, ” Alisa Von Hagel, a political science professor at UW-Superior, wrote in an email to The Badger Project. 
For 50 years, Democrats held the 73rd Assembly District. But after the GOP redrew the boundaries before the 2022 election, Republican Angie Sapik won the seat.

The new Senate and Assembly maps:
AD 1.  (4/17/2024)
AD 2. (4/28/2024)
AD 3.  (5/5/2024)
AD 4. (4/29/2024)
AD 7.  (4/30/2024)
AD 11.  (4/29/2024)
AD 15.  (5/2/2023)
AD 22.  (4/27/2024)
AD 24.  (4/27/2024)
AD 28.  (5/7/2024)
AD 31.  (4/24/2024)
AD 32  (4/26/2024)
AD 35.  (5/4/2024)
AD 37.  (4/24/2024)
AD 38.  (4/24/2024)
AD 39.  (4/24/2024)
AD 42.  (5/1/2024)
AD 51.  (4/17/2024)
AD 53.  (2/25/2024)
SD 20.  (4/19/2024)
AD 61.  (5/5/2024)
AD 62.  (4/19/2024)
AD 65.  (4/22/2024)
AD 66.  (4/20/2024)
AD 68.   (4/20/2024)
AD 74.  (5/4/2024)
AD 75.  (4/23/2024)
AD 76.  (5/5/2024)
AD 77.  (4/26/2024)
AD 78.  (4/26/2024)
AD 79.  (4/26/2024)
AD 80.  (4/30/2014)
AD 81.  (4/30/2024)
AD 82.  (4/25/2024)
AD 83.  (5/2/2024)
AD 87.  (4/16/2024)
SD30 and AD 88, 89,90.  (2/21/2024)
AD 89. (4/29/2024)
AD 90.  (4/17/2024)
AD 93.  (5/6/2024)
AD 94.  (4/28/2024)
AD 97.  (4/25/2024)
AD 98.  (5/4/2024)
AD 99.  (4/25/2024)

1 comment:

  1. Even though the 73rd district was criminally gerrymandered to ensure a Rethuglican victory (Angie Sapik) in 2022, the Republican "machine" in those counties engaged in some despicable tactics and abuses of power in order to elect Angie Sapik.

    From MAGA Republican Whack jobs making numerous threats on Laura Gapske's life (and local Republican law enforcement refusing to investigate) to local code inspectors abusing their powers by threatening venues with closure due to code "violations" for booking a campaign event for Laura Gapske, the FIX was in to elect a Republican by whatever means necessary.

    Not one person was arrested for the despicable acts of sabotage and threats towards Laura Gapske. Not one. Just business as usual in NW MAGA-land Wisconsin. Hillary was spot on in 2016 with her description of these maggots as "deplorables".
