Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Keeping tabs on Middleton's University Avenue corridor: Madison Dentistry at 6519 University Avenue

Photos by Retiring Guy

Madison Dentistry opened its 3700-square-foot Middleton facility in July 2022.  The site was previously occupied by Jiffy Lube, which closed in 2018 and, despite the message on its sign, never reopened.  And no remodeling ever took place.

December 2018

August 2020

For more information, read the University Avenue Corridor Plan.

Other University Avenue Middleton corridor posts:
Keeping tabs on Middleton's University Avenue corridor: Cariad Apartments at 6230 University Avenue.  (5/27)


What was once Sonic is now NAPA in Middleton WI (the final shot).  (5/9)


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