Monday, May 27, 2024

Keeping tabs on Middleton's University Avenue corridor: Mixed use development proposed at 6330 University Avenue

The current occupant at 6330 University Avenue is a 2-story, 18,000-square-foot office building constructed in 1978.  It currently houses the offices of T. Anton Investment House and Bartelt Grob. 

Photos by Retiring Guy

The Middleton Plan Commission is currently considering a proposal to construct a mixed-use development with two buildings with 4,000 square feet of commercial space and 135 multi-family units.  The buildings will be with connected by a series of walkways. 

RenderingMiddleton Plan Commission (2/13/2024)

For more information, read the University Avenue Corridor Plan.

Other University Avenue Middleton corridor posts:
Keeping tabs on Middleton's University Avenue corridor: Cariad Apartments at 6230 University Avenue.  (5/27)


What was once Sonic is now NAPA in Middleton WI (the final shot).  (5/9)


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