Saturday, January 25, 2014

Lola on the Comeback Trail

Although it looks as though the baby name "voters" are starting to have second thoughts.

Lola's best years were in the late 19th/early 20th centuries, when it remained in the top 120 for 22 years (1890-1911).  Best year:  #99 in 1904.

From the 1958 film version of the 1955 Broadway musical.

Coincidence, or a bow to the power of popular culture.  Lola experienced an uptick in 1955 compared to 1954 (#339 vs. #368) and again in 1959 compared to 1958 (#438 vs. #459).  The play opened in May 1955, and the movie was released in September 1958.

And could the Kinks have been responsible for Lola's 25-point rise from 1970 (#818) to 1971 (#793)?

Reached the top 10 in the fall of 1970.

More about Lola.

Other baby name posts:
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"Thou art lost and gone forever, dreadful sorry, Clementine".  (1/15/2014) 
Jason, The Straight Dope, and Here Come the Baby Name Suggestions.  (1/1/2014)
Joni Mitchell, Jane Fonda, and the Popularity of Chelsea as a Baby Name.  (12/30/2013)
Elenore/Eleanor.  (12/27/2013)
The meteoric rise and fall of Tammy.  (12/18/2013)
Anita and Wanda: When you're hot, you're hot, when you're not, you're not. (12/15/2013) 
Autumn's child has it all over Spring Byington.  (12/12/2013)
Are you a boy or are you a girl?  (12/7/2013)
April, May, and June:  The baby names of spring.  (12/4/2013)
[Nose tinkle] Sunday New York Times crossword puzzle clue: 7 down, Daughter in "Bewitched".  (12/1/2013)
Anna, a model of consistency through the years.  (11/30/2013)
Rubies and Pearls.  (11/29/2013)
The Lucy and Ethel synchronized dive.  (11/28/2013)
The George Burns and Gracie Allen line graph.  (11/27/2013)
Rick, Dick & Rich -- but above all, Richard.  (11/26/2013)
When Jennifers rules the world.  (11/24/2013)
Ralph and Alice part ways in 1988. (11/23/2013)
Now Appearing in a Colorful Line Graph -- The 6 Jans.  (11/23/2013)
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Sidney swings both ways.  (11/21/2013)
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Madge: Off the chart even when she was an advertising icon.  (11/16/2013)
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Paul and Paula:  1954 was their very best year together.  (11/14/2013)
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The popularity of William as a baby name.  (11/12/2013)
The popularity of Thomas as a baby name.  (11/11/2013)
Susan is losin' popularity.  (11/11/2013)
The popularity of Robert as a baby name: 1880-2012.  (11/10/2013)
The popularity of Denise as a baby name:  1926-2012.  (11/10/2013)
The popularity of John as a baby name:  1880-2012.  (11/9/2013)
The popularity of Sheila as a baby name:  1917-2002, 2003-2004.  (11/9/2013)
The popularity of James as a baby name: 1880-2012.  (11/7/2013)
The popularity of Michael as a baby name: 1880-2012.  (11/7/2013)
The popularity of Sherry as a baby name:  1926-1995.  (11/7/2013)
Friends choose 15th and 16th most popular baby names for their unexpected twin boys.  (11/3/2013) 
Destiny Hope Cyrus's impact on popular baby names for girls.  (10/15/2013)
There really was something about Mary.  (9/22/2013)
"Gone With the Wind" and baby names.  (11/27/2011)
The baby names list, 1900-1999.  (5/11/2010)

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