Saturday, August 22, 2020

Wisconsin 2020 elections: Who's running in the 34rd State Assembly District

Tavern League shill Rob Swearingen (R-Rhinelander) easily won a 4th term in the Assembly.

Kirk Bangstad is the owner of the Minocqua Brewing Company, a brewpub.  The lack of leadership in the state legislature -- Hello! Scott Fitzgerald and Robin Vos -- is the impetus for his campaign.

Source:  Ballotpedia

Less for GOP to worry about in northern part of state
Source:  Ballotpedia

Sources include  Wisconsin Elections Commission

Related reading:
Democrat Bangstad Enters 34th Assembly District Race, Calling State ‘Corrupt’.  (WXPR, 5/13/2020) 

Bangstad said he decided to get involved when Republicans sued Gov. Tony Evers when Evers tried to move the April election during the COVID-19 pandemic. 
“I’m not built to see a corrupt state. I feel like that’s where I live right now. I feel like there’s a lot of corruption in our state government, and it’s just hard for me to exist day-to-day and see that and not want to do something about it,” he said. “I just thought, this is the last straw. This is just untenable. Our state is no longer fair.” 

Other Swearingen posts:
GET ME REWRITE: Wisconsin Assembly State Affairs Committee cleans up Rob Swearingen's 'dirty' bill.  (2/13/2020)
UPDATE. Well, first of all, the Legislative Study Committee on Alcohol Beverages Enforcement is chaired by Tavern League shill Rob Swearingen.  (8/30/2018)

2020 Wisconsin election posts:
14th Senate District.  (2/24/2020)
16th Senate District.  (1/28/2020)
26th Senate District.  (4/4/2020)
30th Senate District.  (1/18/2020)

1st Assembly District.  (5/8/2020)
2nd Assembly District.  (7/5/2020)
3rd Assembly District.  (7/6/2020)
4th Assembly District.  (7/6/2020)
6th Assembly District.  (7/8/2020)
8th Assembly District.  (7/8/2020)
9th Assembly District.  (7/9/2020)
11th Assembly District.  (7/9/2020)
12th Assembly District.  (7/10/2020)
13th Assembly District.  (7/14/2020)
14th Assembly District.  (7/15/2020)
15th Assembly District.  (7/16/2020)
19th Assembly District.  (7/20/2020)
21st Assembly District.  (7/21/2020)
23rd Assembly District.  (7/24/2020)
24th Assembly District.  (7/28/2020)
25th Assembly District.  (7/30/2020)
26th Assembly District.  (8/3/2020)
28th Assembly District.  (8/4/2020)
29th Assembly District.  (2/21/2020)
30th Assembly District.  (8/10/2020)
31st Assembly District:  (8/6/2020)
32nd Assembly District.  (8/7/2020)
33rd Assembly District.  (8/21/2020)
35th Assembly District.  (5/25/2020)
44th Assembly District.  (2/21/2020)
48th Assembly District.  (3/12/2020)
63rd Assembly District.  (5/29/2020)
67th Assembly District.  (5/4/2020)
69th Assembly District.  (1/16/2020)
76th Assembly District.  (5/13/2020)
82nd Assembly District.  (5/13/2020)
96th Assembly District.  (5/3/2020)

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