Friday, March 5, 2021

Scott Walker and the company he keeps (No GIrls Allowed edition)

Li'l Scooter @CPAC last weekend

1/16/2021 update, "Sea of white faces edition', starts here

Scott Walker currently serves as the CEO of Young America's Foundation

LINK to conference website

1/16/2021 update starts here

Make that the former and now disgraced St. Croix County Republican Party chair John Kraft

“The website was created and posted by our chairman, without consultation, review, or approval of the Executive Committee,” the county party said in a statement. “We reject the language used and have taken down the website. The resignation of the chairman was requested and received.”

John also participated as a 'private citizen' in this case.

No doubt about it, he's a big....

12/23/2020 Andy Biggs edition starts here.

Related posts:
Meet the Congressional frat boys otherwise known as the Freedom Caucus.  (4/7/2017)
Donald Trump declares war on the Freedom Caucus.  (3/30/2017)

9/23/2019 update starts here

Photo creditFacebook

Reported in Walker headlines prayer breakfast with anti-Obama preacher.  (Wisconsin Examiner, 9/22/2019)

Related posts:
The company Scott Walker keeps UPDATE: Sen. Mike Lee wants more of them there American babies.  (5/30/2019)
Proud of the company he keeps: The Scott Walker-Brian Hagedorn connection.  (3/7/2019)
The company Scott Walker keeps: Meet Trump sycophant Matt Schlapp.  (2/20/2019)
UPDATE. Nathan Craft serves up a heaping, unappetizing bowl of Scott Walker campaign mush.  (11/28/2017)
Scott Walker and the company he keeps: Rush Limbaugh.  (/9/12/2015)
Jan Mickelson.  (8/21/2015)
Scott Walker goes where the money -- and the Koch Brothers -- are.  (8/2/2015)
Diane Hendricks adds a zero on her latest check to Scott Walker.  (8/1/2015
Dear Scott Walker: Regarding the company you keep, I think it's time for all of us to watch this Diane Hendricks video once again
The company he keeps: Scott Walker is one of 9 Presidential candidates attending the July 18th Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa.  (7/14/2015)
The company he keeps: Scott Walker receives high praise from Rep. Tom Cole, R-OK.  (5/19/2015)
The company he keeps: Scott Walker to pal around with Steve King in Iowa on January 24.  (1/9/2015)
Getting to know Scott Walker by the company he keeps.  (2/202014)

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