Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Just wondering: Are the New York Times political reporters on acid?

Caucus results:  New York Times
Top headlineNew York Times, 1/15/2024
Bottom headlineNew York Times, 1/16/2024

From the 1/15/2024 article:
Mr. Trump’s record-breaking triumph, called by The Associated Press on Monday night only 31 minutes after the caucuses had begun, gave the former president an important win in a state that had rejected him eight years ago.
From the 1/16/2024 article:
But with his landslide victory in Iowa, codifying his double-fisted hold on wide swaths of the Republican electorate, two conclusions were inescapable by Tuesday morning. 
Mr. Trump is back as the dominant figure in American political life — destined again to be ubiquitous, his entwined legal and electoral dramas set to shadow the nation’s consequential year. He also never actually left.

Photo by Retiring Guy
at Munchmuseet, Oslo

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