Wednesday, January 17, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: Meet the men of white privilege behind the GOP death wish for the planet: Project 2025

The GOP parties like it's 1899.

Headline:  New York Times, 8/4/2023

If you have any hopeful thoughts about a sustainable future for the planet, this GOP plan, better named PROJECT DEATH WISH 2025, will kill them quakily and mercilessly.
During a summer of scorching heat that has broken records and forced Americans to confront the reality of climate change, conservatives are laying the groundwork for a future Republican administration that would dismantle efforts to slow global warming. 
The move is part of a sweeping strategy dubbed Project 2025 that Paul Dans of the Heritage Foundation, the conservative think tank organizing the effort, has called a “battle plan” for the first 180 days of a future Republican presidency. 
The climate and energy provisions would be among the most severe swings away from current federal policies. 
The plan calls for shredding regulations to curb greenhouse gas pollution from cars, oil and gas wells and power plants, dismantling almost every clean energy program in the federal government and boosting the production of fossil fuels — the burning of which is the chief cause of planetary warming.

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