Friday, January 26, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: It's time to cancel the Looney Tunes sideshow on Michigan's Ottawa County Board

More like 'unright' the ship in this case.

Ottawa County:  Where loonies reign!
Photo credits:  Ottawa County
Headline:  mlive, 1/24/2024
In the letter-to-the-editor, [Hudsonville Mayor Mark] Northrup wrote that “Moss should do the right thing and bow out.” 
“We need to return to good governance, professional leadership, fiscal responsibility, open meetings, honest and productive agendas, kindness and empathy,” he wrote. 
Moss and the county board’s majority, all affiliated with an ultra-conservative group called Ottawa Impact, made waves in January 2023 when they made several controversial decisions during an organizational meeting moments after eight new commissioners took office.

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