Monday, January 22, 2024

CES 2024: Instacart Caper Smart Cart


Screenshot from video below

The New Stack, 1/21/2024
Nathan Proctor, senior director of PIRG’s right-to-repair campaign, bestowed this honor on a shopping cart with a screen mounted on its handle so ads be beamed directly to shoppers, at all times. “Make Shopping Magic,” promises the original video for the product, which also shows sensors in the cart identifying every single product being purchased. 
There’re even additional weight sensors to estimate just how much produce you’ve purchased. 
In exchange for this information — and for your attention — you’ll be given recommendations for recipes, plus a map of the store telling you where the ingredients are located. But in the end, the product is combining its attention-stealing screens with an insatiable hunger for your shopping data, Proctor argues in the video. “I think Caper Cart is honestly a pretty great name, because this thing is a heist.”

As aa 5/19/2022 CNBC article points out:
The challenge for Veeve and its rivals is proving to retailers that the carts, which can reportedly cost between $5,000 and $10,000 each, are a worthwhile investment.

Other CES 2024 posts:

Hyundai eVTOL purpose built vehicles (PBVs).  (11/24/2023)

Lumary HDMI sync box.  (11/25/2023)
Serry Smart Cooker.  (11/24/2023)

TomTom Map Maker.  (11/28/2023)
Hisense 5S Series Washer.  (11/28/2023)
Samsung Galaxy Z 5Fold.  (11/28/2023)

Cyrusher Hurricane e-bike.  (12/2/2023) 

Invaiz Grid Pro.  (12/4/2023)

AGC Wideye.  (12/6/2023

"Moonwalker" robotic shoes.  (12/30/2023)

Supernal Vertiport.  (1/6/2024)

C Seed N1 TV.   (1/17/2024)
LG Dukebox speaker.  (1/17/2024)

Nanoleaf Skylight.  (1/18/2024)

Motion Pillow.  (1/19/2024)

Rabbit voice assistant.  (1/21/2024)

From the past:

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