Tuesday, January 23, 2024

CES 2024: Barsys 360 robotic bartender

At a quick glance, could easily be mistaken for a tire.

Tech News World, 1/22/2024
I have two robotic bartenders, one from Black and Decker, but the Barsys 360 robotic bartender is better looking than either of them, and it better integrates with a smartphone application. You load it with up to three ingredients, and based on what you load into the machine, the app will give you a list of drinks you can make. It doesn’t have a carbonator, but the robotic bartender I own that has one was discontinued mainly because of problems with that system.

Other CES 2024 posts:

Hyundai eVTOL purpose built vehicles (PBVs).  (11/24/2023)

Lumary HDMI sync box.  (11/25/2023)
Serry Smart Cooker.  (11/24/2023)

TomTom Map Maker.  (11/28/2023)
Hisense 5S Series Washer.  (11/28/2023)
Samsung Galaxy Z 5Fold.  (11/28/2023)

Cyrusher Hurricane e-bike.  (12/2/2023) 

Invaiz Grid Pro.  (12/4/2023)

AGC Wideye.  (12/6/2023

"Moonwalker" robotic shoes.  (12/30/2023)

Supernal Vertiport.  (1/6/2024)

C Seed N1 TV.   (1/17/2024)
LG Dukebox speaker.  (1/17/2024)

Nanoleaf Skylight.  (1/18/2024)

Motion Pillow.  (1/19/2024)

Rabbit voice assistant.  (1/21/2024)

From the past:

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