Wednesday, January 24, 2024

2024 elections: Who will run in North Dakota's at-large congressional district now that Republican Kelly Armstrong is running for Governor?

Democrats haven't come close to winning North Dakota's sole seat in the House of Representees during the past decade.  They didn't even run a candidate in 2022, an independent outpolling any of the previous Democratic challengers.

Source:  Ballotpedia

Politico, 1/22/2024
The announcement came mere hours after Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) told POLITICO he would not run for the office. Burgum said he would not seek a third term on Monday. 
Armstrong first came to the House in 2019 after previously serving as chair of the North Dakota Republican Party. He voted to certify President Joe Biden's win in the 2020 election and voted to codify the right to same-sex marriage in 2022.

Other dropouts:
Debbie Lesko, AZ-8.  (11/28/2023)
Kevin McCarthy, CA-20.  (12/6/2023)
Ken Buck, CO-4.  (11/28/2023)
Doug Lamborn, CO-5.  (1/5/2024)
Victoria Spartz, IN-5.  (11/28/2023)
Greg Pence, IN-6.  (1/9/2024)e
Larry Bucshon, IN-8.  1/7/2024)
Dan Bishop, NC-8.  (12/5/2023)
Patrick McHenry., NC-10.  (12/5/2023)
Brad Wenstrup, OH-2.  (12/1/2023)
Bill Johnson., OH-6.  (12/1/2023)
Jeff Duncan, SC-3.  (1/18/2024)
Kay Granger, TX-12.  (12/1/2023) 
Michael Burgess, TX-26.  (12/2/2023)
Chris Stewart, UT-2.  (12/2/2023)

Anna Eshoo, CA-16.  (11/29/2023)
Tony Cardenas, CA-29.  (11/29/2023)
Grace Napolitano, CA-31.  (11/29/2023)
John Sarbanes, MD-3.  (11/30/2023)
John Sarbanes, MI-8.  (11/30/2023)
Brian Higgins, NY-26.  (11/30/2023)
Earl Blumenauer, OR-3.  (12/3/2023)
Jennifer Wexton, VA-10.  (12/3/2023)
Derek Kilmer, WA-6.  (12/3/2023)

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