Monday, January 1, 2018

CES 2018 preview: A robot that plays Scrabble without making a mess

CES 2018 Means Scrabble Playing Robots, Connected Microscopes, Sensors And Smart Fabric.  (Forbes, 12/30/2017)
The vision system inside the Scrabble-playing robot is designed to let robots and other machines interpret the visual world around it, act on that visual information and then learn from that same experience. In ITRI’s demonstration at CES 2018, the robot will be able to distinguish between a variety of Scrabble tiles, words and locations and between some different coffee cups and how full or empty they are. The robot can also grip and interact with the Scrabble tiles and coffee cups while avoiding crashing into other objects or spilling the coffee.

Related article:
Technology can 't replace the human touch.  (TechCrunch, 1/15/2017)
While a machine can perform a given task, often more efficiently than we can, what it lacks is the artistry in the activity, that uniquely human ability to cater to the needs of the individual. The protocol may suggest one approach, but a person who is good at their job understands when to adjust and the subtleties that are required.

Other CES 2018 preview posts:
Keratase hair coach.  (12/23/2017)
Travis the Translator.  (12/20/2017)
Pro-Protection toothbrush holder.  (12/19/2017)
PetMio smart technology.  (12/18/2017)
Rinspeed Snap concept vehicle.  (12/17/2017)
SignAll, an automated sign language translator.  (12/13/2017) 
Homni sleep solution.  (12/11/2017)
Guz 2 electronic dartboard connects you to the world.  (11/22/2017)
I assume the SureFly will also be able to carry women.  (11/21/2017)
Now you can party every day and rock all night at any age.  (11/17/2017)
Pointivo.  (11/17/2017)
Jibo, the social robot, makes the cover of TIME.  (11/17/2017)

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