Friday, January 12, 2018

UPDATE. Brandon Scholz's largest and smallest campaign contributions have gone to Scott Walker

Source:  Wisconsin Democracy Campaign (highlights added)

Photo credit:  LinkedIn

Quoted in Walker, state jobs agency paint contradictory pictures of Madison.  (, 1/12/2018)
What can we say?  How about 'opportunist', 'machinator', 'self-seeker', 'conniver'.  As part of an effort to draw more people to a state that faces a looming workforce shortage, Republican Gov. Scott Walker's job-creation agency has commissioned a marketing campaign with promotional videos that are much kinder to Madison than longstanding Republican portrayals of the city as an ultra-liberal, out-of-touch "77 square miles surrounded by reality."

1/10/2018 update, "Just a coincidence or is the Governor's staff reading Retiring Guy's Digest?", starts here.

Making those 2010 vs. 2017 comparisons.

This is obviously a Trump thing:  the WI drop at 4.9 (percentage points) is bigger than the Madison drop at 3.5 (percentage points).

But let's take a look at the actual percentages:

But here's the most disturbing thing.  Scott Walker thinks Wisconsin doesn't need an extremely healthy drop in the unemployment rate.

Scott Walker doesn't think Wisconsin needs a healthy growth in population.

Not to mention job growth.  (See Powerpoint slide below.)

Scott Walker seems to want to kill the golden goose, if for no other reason than spite.

Do you really want to see this guy serve a third term as Governor?

1/10/2018 update, "Madison and Dane County continue to give Scott Walker the willies", starts here.

Ten months before the gubernatorial election, Scott Walker is playing the boogity-boogity-boogity Madison card.  He increasingly sounds like Donald Trump when he tweets.


Original 8/2/2017 post, "Here's some news that pains Scott Walker to his core:  Foxconn considering Dane County site", starts here.

Italics quoted in Foxconn eyeing secondary site in Dane County.  (Wisconsin State Journal, 8/2/2017)

Other Foxconn posts:
Fast Company: Scott Walker deal a transfer of wealth from Wisconsin taxpayers to Foxconn shareholders. (8/2/2017)
Donald Trump pinches off another loaf.  (8/1/2017)
Scott Walker lets Fiserv piggyback onto Foxconn legislation.  (8/1/2017)
Calendar UPDATE. In the case of the committee hearing, 1 day is sufficient time to prepare, sez Assembly Speaker Robin Vos.  (8/1/2017) 
Rep. Bob Kulp sprinkles Foxconn fairy dust all over the Badger State.  (8/1/2017)
Of which just 3,000 of these 'new' jobs are permanent.  (7/31/2017)
UPDATE. State Sen. Van Wanggaard on board with Wisconsin's Foxconn deep-pockets strategy.  (7/30/2017)
A Ring of Familiarity. Once upon a time in Pennsylvania.....  (7/29/2017)
Matt, it doesn't appear that 'rigorous' and 'review' are in Scott Walker's and Foxconn's vocabulary.  (7/29/2017)
Scott Walker and Foxconn steamroll environmental regulation going forward.  (7/29/2017)
UPDATE.  The luring of Foxconn intensifies in Wisconsin.   (7/20/2017)
While Wisconsin and Michigan duke it out for low-paying jobs, Foxconn announces $5 billion investment in India.  (7/8/2017)
UPDATE. Foxconn becomes pawn in Wisconsin transportation funding tussle.  (7/6/2017)
Foxconn officials eyeing sites in Michigan.  (7/6/2017)
UPDATE. Foxconn becomes pawn in Wisconsin transportation funding tussle.  (7/6/2017)

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