Monday, October 13, 2014

The Republicans' Voter ID, "Common Sense" Echo Chamber

Appeals court dissenters blister state's voter ID law.  (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 10/10/2014)

Calling out the nonsense.
"Some of the 'evidence' of voter-impersonation fraud is downright goofy, if not paranoid, such as the nonexistent buses that according to the 'True the Vote' movement transport foreigners and reservation Indians to polling places," wrote Judge Richard A. Posner of the 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.

Also quoted in the article.

If nothing else, the Republicans have always been on message on this issue.

They are, of course, simply listening to their masters' voices.

"Voter ID is still up in the air", a legislature column (8/9/2012)

Apparently, the phrase is also useful in all-purpose circumstances

But after repeating this phrase ad nauseum, it does sound a bit goofy, which is probably why the appeals court judges opposed to voter ID threw it back in Republican faces last month.
“It is simply impossible, as a matter of common sense and of logistics, that hundreds of thousands of Wisconsin voters will both learn about the need for photo identification and obtain the requisite identification in the next 36 days.”

Related posts:
CORRECTION: Leaders of Legislature's budget panel OK voter ID spending.  (10/6/2014)
GOP reaches out to Blacks and Hispanics while making it harder for them to vote.  (10/3/2014) What are the odds? Joint Finance provides funding for Voter ID campaign.  (10/1/2014)
In the news: Wisconsin Voter ID law and absentee ballots.  (9/18/2014)
Wisconsin Republican legislative leaders cry like a baby.  (9/17/2014)
Reality sandwiched between two slices of Leah Vukmir white bread.  (9/15/2014)
Scott Walker on Voter ID: It's going just according to plan.  (8/2/2014)
Meet Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Patience Roggensack, who authored majority opinions in voter ID cases.  (8/1/2014)
So as a result, you want your government to make it harder for you to vote?
The cat's got Fitzgerald's tongue.  (5/14/2014)
I can see how these pie graphs from a 2005 report might have informed the discussion for voter ID proponents.  (5/11/2014)
Rand Paul wants to have it both ways on voter ID....and does a sloppy tap dance in the process.   (5/10/2014)
I can see how one of these facts might inform the discussion for voter ID proponents.  (5/6/2014)
When it comes to diversity, all they want to do is talk.  (5/4/2014)
We're still awaiting a statement from Governor Walker.  (4/29/2014)
Voter suppression: Rep. Tom Larson uses the City of Milwaukee as the bogeyman.  (3/31/2014)
Sen. Mary Lazich shows her true colors.  (3/18/2014)
Wisconsin headline? No, the Ohio legislature also approved model voter suppression legislation from ALEC.  (3/14/2014) 
And the hypocrisy just keeps on coming: Republicans can't even give lip service to their "principles".  (2/14/2014)
Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald sez "no" to 40 of his Assembly colleagues.  (12/30/2013)
Your Wisconsin Republican Assembly hard at work promoting Governor Walker's jobs agenda (and GOP principles).  (11/15/2013)
Mary Lazich: Caught in the act of undermining confidence in the voting process.  (11/4/2013) 
The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement asks a question about voter ID laws.  (11/28/2012)
Alberta Darling (R-River Hills) still drinking the Kool-Aid.  (11/12/2012)
Tennessee Supreme Court gives Memphis Public Library cards a thumbs up for voter ID.  (11/4/2012)
Tennessee Court of Appeals ruling pisses off Republicans.  (10/27/2012)
Early voting begins today (Monday, October 22) in Wisconsin.  (10/22/2012)
Judge finds at least one aspect of Tennessee voter ID law "nonsensical".  (8/1/2012)
Judge to weigh in on library cards in Memphis voter ID skirmish.  (7/30/2012)
Library card/voter ID fray in Memphis.  (7/10/2012)
I'd be careful making any long-term Voter ID assessments based on the February 21 primary election turnout.  (2/26/2012)
Hope you signed at least one recall petition, Ruthelle.  (12/5/2011)
True, but why not share a couple of examples with us, Deborah.  (11/11/2011)
Hoping that other state newspapers have similar local news to share.  (10/29/2011)
Walker sez "We're broke" but GAB could spend $600,000 on voter ID public education plan.  (10/12/2011)
ACLU of Wisconsin denounces photo ID policy reversal.  (10/7/2011)
Voter ID:  "A solution without a problem".  (9/25/2011)
Wisconsin State Bar's Civil Rights Section requests AG Holder to monitor Voter ID Bill.  (9/1/2011)
What's the matter with Wisconsin?  (7/27/2011)
Wisconsin Legislative Council information memorandum.  (7/15/2011)
Appleton Alderman Wants Pushback on State Voter ID Bill.  (2/7/2011)

Related reading:
New G.O.P. Bid to Limit Voting in Swing States. (The New York Times, 3/29/2014)
ALEC Exposed:  Democracy, Voter Rights, and Federal Power.  (Center for Media and Democracy, 9/28/2012)
Right-Wing Operatives Take Up ALEC's Voter Suppression Agenda.  (Center for Media and Democracy's PR Watch, 4/19/2012)
Voter Suppression 101.  (Center for American Progress. 4/4/2012)

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