Friday, June 4, 2010

Mecklenburg County Commissioners Restore Some Cuts to Libraries

Link to June 4 Charlotte Observer, "County eyes smaller cuts to schools and libraries. Commissioners' straw vote based on sunnier projections of revenue from sales tax".

Excerpt:    Gambling on a stronger economy and a reviving sales tax, Mecklenburg commissioners tentatively agreed Thursday to restore more than $14.5 million in planned cuts to schools, libraries, parks and other agencies.

Among the biggest changes: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools would lose about $15.3 million, compared to the $21.3 million recommended by County Manager Harry Jones.

The Charlotte Mecklenburg Library had $3.5 million restored, lowering its recommended reduction to $11.2 million.

The park and recreation department also had nearly $1.2 million restored.

The changes, approved through a series of straw votes by commissioners, won't become final until the board approves a budget June 15

Related articles:
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Mayor Foxx on the art of governing.  (5/30/2010)
Mayor supports financial help for library.  (5/27/2010)
County budget:  Oh, yeah, this is fair.  (5/25/2010)
Bailout proposal not gaining traction.  (5/23/2010)
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Mecklenburg County tightens its belt.  (5/20/2010)
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Library Board chair speaks out.  (4/25/2010)
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"Save Our Libraries Sunday".  (3/29/2010)
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1 comment:

  1. I saw that photo and, at first, thought one of those dogs was Triumph the Insult Comic Dog
