Saturday, December 7, 2024

Just 1432 days to go until Election Day 2028: The primary calendar jockeying begins!

Hey, how about a NATIONAL primary?  
Instead of the current fucked-up and long-drawn-out media circus we have now.

 Headline:  Nevada Independent, 12/5/2024
As in 2022, state Democrats argue that Nevada is the only state that meets the DNC’s professed preferences for a state that is racially and economically diverse, politically competitive and feasible for candidates and the party, both from a cost and technical competence perspective. Given Democratic losses in 2024 with Latino voters and working class voters, state party Chair Daniele Monroe-Moreno wrote that the DNC should elevate a state that possesses those kinds of voters in droves.

Countdown to 2028:
November 2024
Day 1460.  Philadelphia Inquirer launches 2028 presidential election guessing game campaign.  (11/8)
Day 1456.  (11/12)
Day 1455.  (11/15)
Day 1453.  (11/16)
Day 1452.  Sports metaphor malpractice in journalism at NBC News edition.  (11/17)
Day 1451.  (11/18)
Day 1449.   And here's the first of many useless 2028 presidential polls(11/20)
Day 1448.  "It's a done deal!" proclaims Newsweek (11/21)
Day 1447.  Dear Western Journal, it's the polling silly season (11/22/
Day 1443.  Fentanylizing of the pollsters(11/26)
Day 1440.  Return of the post-election silly season for pollsters. (11/29)
Day 1439.  Adding AOC to the mix.  (11/30)

December 2024
Day 1438.  NewsNation limits the field.  (12/1)
Day 1437.  More AOC buzz.  (12/2)
Day 1435.  NPR makes sure Andy Beshear  gets into the mix  (12/4)
Day 1433.  Time for some folks to get a life!

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