Friday, September 27, 2024

Swindling in the Name of the Lord (Minnesota edition)

HeadlineStar Tribune, 9/25/2024
Prince Amala Jesuraja Jebamalia Selvaraj, better known as the Rev. Prince Raja, resigned as pastor at St. Felix Catholic Church in Wabasha and St. Agnes Catholic Church in Kellogg on Sept. 1 after the diocese found that Selvaraj had been requesting personal gifts and loans from parishioners. 
“The Diocese of Winona-Rochester became aware of Fr. Prince’s behavior of requesting gifts and loans from parishioners on May 1, 2024 and he was asked to cease such activity with the warning that he may be removed as pastor if the behavior continued,” the Rev. William D. Thompson, with the diocese, said in a statement. “When it was discovered that Fr. Prince had subsequently requested money from another parishioner, his resignation was requested.” 
A search warrant for Selvaraj’s bank records was issued on Sept. 12 after the diocese’s legal counsel provided police with detailed accounting of Selvaraj’s activity.

" Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God"  (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)

Other miscreants:
Marvin Scales. (9/27/2024)
John Raymond.  (9/27/2024)
Roby Cruz-Hernandez. (9/26/2024)
Juan Barrios.  (9/23/2024)
Demiro Johnson.  (9/22/2024)
Glen Dean McCoy.  (9/22/2024)
James Swanson.  (9/21/2024)
William Dunfee.  (9/21/2024)
Steven Lawson.  (9/20/2024)
Andrew Lovisone.  (9/19/2024)
Jeffrey Duane Smith,  (9/19/2024)
Rocky Goodwin.  (9/19/2024)
William Johnson.  (9/17/2024)
Tim Ballard.  (9/13/2024)
Apollo Carreon Quiboloy.  (9/13/2024) 

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