Friday, September 13, 2024

One-man Kansas clown show Roger Marshall offer assessment of Demented Don's debate prep

Reported in
Washington Post, 9/12/2024

But wait, there's more!
Marshall, a onetime traditional conservative who reinvented himself as a far-right agitator, adopted the blame-the-moderators approach to explain how the Biden-Harris record on border security and crime did not become focal points. 
Yet he has no explanation for why Trump didn’t make more of those issues in his nearly 43 minutes of speaking, which included plenty of topics that were not questions from moderators.

Other Harris-Trump debate posts:
MAGA Team Drool's alternate reality: Christine Schiller wouldn't know honesty if it bit her in the ass.  (9/12/2024)
Why is the media talking to 81-year-old Newt Gingrich anymore?  He hasn't been relevant since 1994.  (9/12/2024)
Swing state voters debate watch:  Two people like the ranting, confused, fact-challenged old man.  (9/11/2024)

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