Friday, September 13, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: Sen. John Thune does the South Dakota version of the Chicken Dance when asked about Trump's debate performance

Headline:  Washington Post, 9/12/2024
Across the Capitol, Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), the No. 2 GOP leader, fell into the passive voice to avoid criticizing Trump when asked about the missed opportunity to define Vice President Kamala Harris. 
“Well, um, that job’s got to get done,” said Thune, who is asking colleagues to promote him to majority leader. 
Who should take up that task? Thune ducked into a closed luncheon for GOP senators without answering the question. 
That’s hardly a ringing endorsement.

Other Harris-Trump debate posts:
MAGA Team Drool's alternate reality: Christine Schiller wouldn't know honesty if it bit her in the ass.  (9/12/2024)
Why is the media talking to 81-year-old Newt Gingrich anymore?  He hasn't been relevant since 1994.  (9/12/2024)
Swing state voters debate watch:  Two people like the ranting, confused, fact-challenged old man.  (9/11/2024)

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