Saturday, September 14, 2024

For nearly a decade, Republicans have hoped Trump would "act presidential". He has proven over and over again that he is incapable of doing so.

Headlinle:  The New Republic, 9/12/2024
Republicans have been hoping for years that one day Trump would eventually become presidential, leave behind his petty grievances, and focus on the important things. They thought he would do so after he was first elected president, and then again after the attempt on his life in July, but each time, he quickly dashed their expectations. Tuesday’s debate is only the latest evidence that he refuses to change.

Other Harris-Trump debate posts:
MAGA Team Drool's alternate reality: Christine Schiller wouldn't know honesty if it bit her in the ass.  (9/12/2024)
Why is the media talking to 81-year-old Newt Gingrich anymore?  He hasn't been relevant since 1994.  (9/12/2024)
Swing state voters debate watch:  Two people like the ranting, confused, fact-challenged old man.  (9/11/2024)

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