Monday, September 9, 2024

Bullied: The press corps is Trump’s assisted living program

Headline:  Public Information, 9/9/2024
Washington Post Executive Editor Matt Murray defended the decision of the Washington Post and other outlets not to publish the leaked internal Trump campaign documents. "[A]ll of the news organizations in this case took a deep breath and paused, and thought about who was likely to be leaking the documents, what the motives of the hacker might have been, and whether this was truly newsworthy or not," Murray said in a statement to a Washington Post reporter. 
This is a much different approach than the Washington Post took after hackers connected to the Russian government leaked internal emails from Clinton campaign officials and the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The Washington Post published dozens of stories based on these leaked emails. The steady drumbeat of mostly unflattering articles was a major part of the election narrative in the days and weeks before election day.  [emphasis added]
As Leslie Moonves proclaimed in 2016, it's all about the bottom line!

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