Wednesday, August 14, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: Must be a slow summer for the Tighty Whities at WILL

Headline:  Wisconsin State Journal, 8/14/2024
The lawsuit filed Monday in federal court by the Milwaukee-based Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty asks a judge to declare unconstitutional a state law that allows the Department of Transportation to nix plates “which may carry connotations offensive to good taste or decency." 
Filed with the suit are the DOT's criteria, created in 2015, for determining what constitutes "objectionable or misleading personalized plates." They include "critical or derogatory message to the general public in any language, read forward, backwards or upside down," messages "denoting violence directed toward someone or something," sex-related messages, racial or ethnic slurs or racist messages, gang-related terms and drug-related messages.



Tighty Whities at WILL continue to fight for white privilege.  (9/29)
Tighty Whities at WILL keep up their campaign of voter suppression. (9/15)
Chalk up another loss for the Tighty Whiteys at WILL.  (3/5)
WILL SHILLS: Conservative Dane County supervisors continue to engage in public health malpractice, promote COVID-19 spread.  (1/8)


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