Friday, June 21, 2024

Iowa's MAGA Team Drool goes ballistic over the mere mention of climate change

Headline:  New York Times, 6/20/2024

Anyone using the word 'libtard' will be found hanging out with a pitcher of Kool-Aid.
But in June 2022, Ms. Smith, the news director, invited him to lunch. She told him that viewers were saying they just wanted the forecast, not the science behind weather, Mr. Gloninger recalled. They also wanted to hear a whole lot less about climate change. 
Mr. Gloninger was devastated. He was still reeling when, a week later, menacing emails began arriving in his inbox. One accused of Mr. Gloninger of “pushing nothing but a Biden hoax.” Another called Mr. Gloninger “a worthless Biden puppet, a liar, a conspiracy theorist, and an idiot.” 
Then a threat arrived. “We conservative Iowans would like to give you an Iowan welcome you will never forget, kinda like the libtards gave Judge Kavanaugh,” it read. 
Weeks earlier, a man carrying a gun, a knife and zip ties had been arrested near Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s home after threatening to murder the judge. Panicked, Mr. Gloninger called the police.

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