Friday, May 10, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: Big Oil demonstrates its fluency in Newspeak. Again.

Let's call it what it is:  Eco con.

Screenshot:  New York Times front page, 5/10/2024
The greenhouse gas emissions associated with extracting a barrel of oil from the Gulf of Mexico are as much as a third lower than emissions from producing a barrel of oil from fields on U.S. soil, according to a report published last year by the National Ocean Industries Association, an industry group for offshore oil, gas and wind businesses. (Those numbers do not include the emissions created when fossil fuels are burned in engines or power plants, which are much greater than emissions from producing and refining oil and gas.)  [emphasis added]

Other Newspeak posts:
Poll misses mark: Kansas voters keep abortion legal, send "Value Them Both" Newspeak amendment to trash heap.  (8/3/2022)


Newspeak II: Under Robin Vos's bill, contributions from Enbridge Energy would fall under the category of "Natural Resources".  (10/21/2015)
The Newspeak Chronicles: Robin Vos ties himself up into the tightest little pretzel you've ever seen.  (10/19/2015)

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