Friday, May 10, 2024

Delta County, Michigan: Trumpy U.P. county recalls three Republican commissioners

They all got trounced by 3-1 margins.

Source:  Wikipedia
3rd-party candidates received 19.8% of vote in 1992, 
10.3% of vote in 1996, 5.6% in 2016;
(Alabama segregationist George Wallace received 
5% of the vote in 1968)

Voters in an Upper Peninsula community have successfully recalled three county commissioners, setting the stage for a change in direction. 
While most of the media attention has been focused on Tuesday recall of Ottawa County Commissioner Lucy Ebel, a member of the right-wing Ottawa Impact organization, that same night voters in Delta County also went to the polls and recalled three of five county commissioners for their votes in February 2023 to fire County Administrator Emily DeSalvo. 
DeSalvo, who had served as the county’s administrator since 2019, was fired immediately after she openly criticized the board for unethical and disrespectful behavior. 
“I am concerned this board is more concerned about their political capital or personal gain than serving the county. The board’s recent elimination of the Ethics Committee supports this concern,” said DeSalvo at the board’s Feb. 7, 2023 meeting. “I will not be silent if I witness unethical behavior, so stop behaving in a manner which disrespects the office you hold in the community that you serve.”

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