Thursday, May 16, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: What happens in Texas when you have 3 irredeemably white male racists as the top 3 GOP elected officials

HeadlineNew York Times, 5/16/2024
The decision immediately followed a pardon recommendation from the state’s Board of Pardons and Paroles, whose members are appointed by the governor. Lawyers for the man, Daniel S. Perry, argued that he had acted in self-defense against the protester, who was carrying an AK-47-style rifle. 
Mr. Perry was sentenced to 25 years in prison in an emotional hearing last year in which prosecutors presented evidence of racist online comments he had made and said that psychological experts had found him to be “basically a loaded gun.” As the pardons board considered the case, lawyers with the Travis County district attorney, José Garza, met with the board to argue against a pardon. 
Under Texas law, a recommendation from the board is necessary before the governor can grant a pardon[emphasis added]

Why does a state where less than 40% of the population is White (non-Hispanic) have three white guys in charge?

Texas:  Where political corruption is an accepted, and even honored, activity.

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