Saturday, May 11, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: MAGA Team Drool pays Trump's legal bills

HeadlineBrennan Center for Justice, 5/10/2024
Since leaving office, former president Trump has been involved in an array of criminal and civil litigation — some that relates to his campaigns and presidency and some that does not. To cover the enormous legal bills, estimated at more than $100 million, he has turned to his political action committees (PACs), essentially having campaign donors pay costs for which he would otherwise be on the hook personally. 
A lot of this spending falls into legal gray areas, but thanks to loopholes in the law and lackluster enforcement, it is likely to continue until Congress takes steps to shore up existing rules and enact broader campaign finance safeguards.

More MAGA Team Drool posts: 
The farm team.  (5/6/2024)


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