Thursday, January 25, 2024

White male privilege and transphobia in the Ohio State legislature

Headline:  New York Times, 1/24/2024
The move by the Republican-controlled state legislature comes less than four weeks after the Republican governor’s veto. The state House voted on Jan. 10 to override Mr. DeWine’s veto, and the Senate has now cleared the way for the law to go into effect, in 90 days. 
For Ohio residents, that means that only transgender minors who have already begun transition care treatments will be able to receive them. According to a report published in 2022 by the Williams Institute at the U.C.L.A. law school, there were about 8,500 children in the state from ages 13 to 17 who identified as transgender, while about 46,500 adults identified as such
Ohio’s legislation is part of a national wave of laws that aim to restrict the rights of transgender minors. Last year, at least 20 states, all with Republican-controlled legislatures, passed bans or restrictions on gender transition care for young people[emphasis added]

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