Thursday, January 25, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: Florida's "Top Gov" Ron DeSantis certainly didn't practice what he preached during his disastrous presidential campaign

Screenshots:  Top Gov Ron DeSantis (YouTube)
HeadlineNew York Times, 1/22/2024

Among many other aspersions, Trump insinuated that DeSantis was a weak-kneed supplicant, a mommy's boy, a cross-dresser, a pedophile, a closeted homosexual.  And what was DeSantis's response?
Mr. DeSantis shied from fighting back, which only inflicted more pain on his campaign. The governor had portrayed himself as one of the Republican Party’s fiercest political brawlers, but he pulled his punches in the most important race of his life. 
But even more crushing was Mr. DeSantis’s response, or lack thereof. After releasing a campaign video in 2022 that made him out to be a political fighter sent from the heavens, he appeared either unwilling or unable to swing back at Mr. Trump or go on the attack

Check out the yukfest!

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