Thursday, January 18, 2024

Reporting on the 2024 Iowa caucuses: ABC News contributes to the latest outbreak of journalistic malpractice

The  mainstream media is engulfed in a Resurrection story.

Caucus results:  New York Times 
 Strong conservatives, older voters, MAGA fans, 2020 election deniers and less-educated Iowa Republicans piled in to help Donald Trump win Iowa's Republican caucuses on Monday night amid punishingly cold weather and depressed overall turnout, according to an analysis of entrance poll results.  
Trump's support was so strong that 63% of caucusgoers said they'd consider him fit for office even if he were hypothetically convicted of a crime. He faces charges in four cases but denies all wrongdoing.

A mere 7.8% of registered Republican voters in Iowa voted for Trump in the 2024 caucuses.

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