Saturday, January 20, 2024

Ottawa County (Michigan) Board: Living on borrowed time as elected officials

At least that should be their trajectory in an ideal world.

Ottawa County:  Where loonies reign!

Photo credits:  Ottawa County

MAGA ideology run amok
Commissioners backed by the conservative political action committee Ottawa Impact have been trying to oust Hambley since their first meeting in January 2023, when they voted to remove her from her role. She sued, saying that was illegal. Commissioners countered that she was never properly appointed by their predecessors. The Michigan Court of Appeals finally ruled that Hambley was rightfully appointed, but also that the board could fire her if it could prove cause under state law. 
Ottawa Impact commissioners then alleged misconduct in the way Hambley handled and spoke to the press about the annual budgeting process. A hearing for Hambley’s removal was held, but commissioners kept putting off a vote on whether or not to remove her, instead meeting in closed session for hours across three days to discuss the possibility of a settlement that would resolve both the termination hearing and Hambley’s lawsuit. 
Finally, in late November, the county and Hambley’s attorney announced they were bringing in a mediator to help them reach a resolution.

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