Saturday, January 27, 2024

Ottawa County Michigan: When county government turns into a series of Looney Tunes episodes

Photo credits:  Ottawa County
Headline:  mlive, 1/26/2024

That's because, as the three-judge panel points out, the group of commissioners did their communicating plotting before they took an oath of office, i,e., before they were officially members of the county board.
A group of Ottawa County commissioners elected in 2022 did not violate the state Open Meetings Act by communicating with each other prior to taking office, the state Court of Appeals ruled.  
The three-judge panel agreed with the lower court. 
“To summarize, we conclude that the trial court did not err by determining that the OMA did not apply to the Ottawa 9 before they were seated on January 3, 2023, because, up to that point, they did not constitute a public body for purposes of the OMA,” a judge wrote.  [emphasis added]

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