Friday, January 19, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: Wisconsin Republicans reluctantly dip a toe into the medical marijuana pond

The bill limits the number of dispensaries to 5.  The orange boxes added to the map below indicate the 5 most populous areas of the state:  southeast corner, Madison/Dane County, Fox Valley (Green Bay/Appleton/Oshkosh), Eau Claire/west central, La Crosse/Driftless Area.   Wherever the dispensaries end up, many people will have a long drive to get there.

At a press conference in the state Capitol, Rep. Jon Plumer (R-Lodi) called the bill a “really strong starting point.” Under the plan, five state-run dispensaries would be established where eligible patients could access certain “medical cannabis products” including oils, edibles, pills, gels and vapors. The bill excludes cannabis that can be smoked. “We want to make this available to people, but we want to have tight controls on it as well,” Plumer said.] 
Assembly Speaker Robin Vos has said that the proposal is modeled after the program that was in place in Minnesota before it fully legalized marijuana in 2023. He said over the weekend that the Republican bill will probably be “the most restrictive version in the entire country.”  [emphasis added]

He sez with unmistakable pride!

How far behind is Wisconsin when it comes to legalized medical marijuana?  Very!

Related posts:
When it comes to the legalization of marijuana, Wisconsin's all-male, whites-only GOP leadership aren't listening to their constituents.  (12/7/2023)

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