Tuesday, January 16, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: Keokuk County wins the Trump MAGA loving cup in 2024 Iowa caucuses

Trump received 75% of the vote in Keokuk County, three percentage points more than the next-best tally.

The county's population peaked at 24,979 in 1900 and has since declined 60% to 10,033. It now has fewer residents than it did before the Civil War.

SourceWikipedia (and beleow)

It is overwhelming white.

On average, its population is older with a lower level of education.
Percentage of population 65 and older:
  • 22.6% - Keokuk County
  • 18.3% - Iowa
  • 17.2% - U.S.
Percentage of population 25 and older with a bachelor's degree:
  • 16.4% - Keokuk County
  • 30.3% - Iowa
  • 34.3% - U.S.

The right ingredients for a MAGA takeover.

In 2008, John McCain won Keokuk County by a margin of 3.6 percentage points.

In 2020, Donald Trump won the county in 2020 by 45.1 percentage points, improving on his 2016 margin.

Source:  Wikipedia
3rd-party candidates received 22.7% of vote in 1992, 9.3% of vote in 1996, 5.1% in 2016;
(Alabama segregationist George Wallace received 5.1% of the vote in 1968)

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