Saturday, January 20, 2024

GET ME REWRITE: In Adams County Iowa, a popcorn bucket would easily accommodate 91 slips of paper

Caucus results: New York Times

As noted today in Votebeat:  
Now, many people have pointed out that the group of people voting in the Iowa caucuses is hardly a representative one — nor is the process (somehow, popcorn buckets are involved). And this year’s caucuses, held in bone-chilling, life-endangering cold, had 110,000 voters, or roughly 15% of the state’s registered Republicans — the lowest turnout in more than a decade, CBS News reported.

As a result of its continuing population decline -- 73% since its 1900 peak of 13,601 -- the vote-counting process in Adams County gets easier every 4 years.

Source:  Wikipedia

Presidential elections used to be competitive until Trump came along.


  • 94.4% of the population is white, compared to 83.7% statewide and 58.9% nationally
  • 24.5% of the population is 65+, compared to 18.3% statewide and 17.3% nationally
  • 21.4% of residents 25+ have a bachelor's degree or higher compared with 30.3% statewide and 34.3% nationally.
Ingredients in a MAGA recipe for success.

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