Thursday, January 25, 2024

GET ME REWRITE; 41% of GOP Iowa caucusgoers share Trump's authoritarian, anti-democratic values

Caucus results: New York Times
HeadlineNPR, 1/25/2024
Moreover, polls show that voters just don't care that much about electability. Entrance polls showed that only 14% of Iowa GOP caucusgoers said a candidate's ability to defeat Biden was their top factor in choosing. Meanwhile, 41% chose someone who "shared their values." 5 takeaways from the New Hampshire primary 
Similarly, in New Hampshire exit polls, the same percentage of Republican primary voters, 14$, ranked the ability to defeat Joe Biden as their top priority. Choosing a candidate who "fights for people like me" garnered the top choice of 31% of those voters, while shared values was most important to another 30%.

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